Fewer concepts or story outlines lend themselves as vigorously and openly towards interactive video slots gaming as that of ancient tomb exploration – and that’s just a cold, hard fact of life. Of course, this premise has been covered many times over in film, it’s been covered many times over in literature and I feel it would be fair to say that its getting that way with slots games now too. Nothing screams all out adventure quite as loudly or clearly as a good old tomb raiding venture does it? From Indiana Jones to Lara Croft, there’s few bad ass figures within popular culture with the minerals necessary to enter the unknown after it’s lay perfectly dormant for thousands of years in search of treasure and wealth beyond their wildest dreams!
There’s not much better than a good old, rootin’ tootin’, hell for leather adventure slot, you know? Few themes can rival those which pass on the picky particular and opt instead for a straight shooting, all or nothing slot fit for the most brazen daredevils among us.